
Friday, February 11, 2005

balls...balls everywhere 

the news has been way too concerned with testicles this last week.

makes my balls ache just thinking about it.


San Diego Super Padres 

Someone, for the love of god, please make a new padres song.

And none of the ones that are here. I'm actually pretty disappointed...Rookie Card is on there, and while the title "Who's Your Padre" sounded good, the song just doesn't do it for me. Mercy House has 2 songs on there but neither of them sound like John is the lead singer.

It's a page full of crap. I'm just not voting unless someone points one out that's listenable.

I miss the old "let yourself go with the padres. Come on. Let yourself go." At least it was catchy!


Found this at Blogarbage...

1954 Popular Mechanics Magazine predicting what a home computer in 2004 might look like.

WTF is the steering wheel for? Is the the predecessor of the notebook...instead of carrying your computer around with you, you drive your computer?

that's a pretty effin sweet idea, actually.


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