
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

so jerry, what'd you do today? 

you can FINALLY hang a star on that one.

Jerry Coleman finally inducted into the hall. Good on ya, Jerry, It's about time.

There are a ton of quotes attributed to Uncle Jerry that he didn't actually say, but these are ones that I've either heard or they've been confirmed. From the Baseball Almanac -

"Bob Davis is wearing his hair differently this year, short and with curls like Randy Jones wears, I think you call it a Frisbee."

"He slides into second with a stand up double."

"(Joe) DiMaggio seldom showed emotion. One day after striking out, he came into the dugout and kicked the ball bag. We all went "ooooh". It really hurt. He sat down and the sweat popped out on his forehead and he clenched his fists without ever saying a word. Everybody wanted to howl, but he was a god. You don't laugh at gods."

"There's someone warming up in the bullpen but he's obscured by his number."

"(Dave) Winfield goes back to the wall, he hits his head on the wall and it rolls off! It's rolling all the way back to second base. This is a terrible thing for the Padres."

Gotta love that guy, I'm gonna miss him when he finally retires.


comments? questions? 

lol...mikey just informed me that the comments settings were restricted to registered users. so maybe there are more of you out there, you just don't want to have to register with blogger. which is understandable.

facing reality though, we all really know that only 3 people read this blog, and they all live in my head.


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