
Friday, March 11, 2005

phone number 

lol...just for fun...phone number will be posted for 2 minutes. Let's see if Maine gets it.


voicemail will pick up.


i admit it. 

sometimes I email my hotmail account from my work account to see if it's receiving mail.


aloha friday 

We've got an unwritted tradition in the office that friday is "Aloha Friday." Everyone wears hawaiian shirts. Funny thing is, most of us wear them during the week anyway. Since I just learned how to upload pics from my camera phone, I'm going to entertain you every friday with a weekly hawaiian shirt update.

One of my more understated ones. I figure if I wear a different hawaiian shirt every week I'll be able to go for around three months without repeating a pic.

You can just see one of my surfboards in the background. That's the new one to replace My Flying Surfboard, graciously created from a combined effort between Rhiannon, my parents and my sister. Hey, since we're having fun with fones, let's give you a shot of the tail...

It's not quite a fish, it's like a rounded swallowtail. I've very, very happy with it. You can't tell from the pic since it's so grainy, but it has the specs and my name on it.

No, I didn't get in the water during this ridiculous swell. I'm lame.

Happy friday!


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