
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

our first quiz is a letter from paul to the corinthians... 

Fallbrook literature class opens the Bible in nonreligious course

If it can be taught as a non-denominational literature course, I think it's a great idea. From a literature standpoint it's one of the most influential books in the history of modern civilization and kids should have an understanding of it, especially if they're going to go into a literature major in college.

Taught by a conservative right wing bible thumper, it would be the scariest concept ever, but I think the board will keep a pretty close eye on it.

I just hope it's not an insidiuos plot that's tied into the special election.


i think it's sexy when you link to our website, sweetheart.

especially when i'm on a business trip dealing with the issue you linked to.

i love you.

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